Friday, September 21, 2018

Week 65

Heyyy fam!!
First of all...
This week was great!!  We had lots to do!
Zone conference was on Friday and that went well.  The zone leaders talked about how consecration is giving who we are, not just our time and money.  They talked about how God called us here because of who we are and what experiences we´ve had.  It’s great to give time to the lord and knock doors sure, but it’s a better use of time to use your talents and find ways to help people. Right after that we had to travel to Aysen for a baptism, but we had like 15 minutes waiting for the bus.  We walked to the plaza and saw a group of like 30 guys rapping/having a rap battle.  I immediately remembered in college we would do "rap battles" in our apartment (Adria and Lizzy and my friends) that were just super stupid but we had fun.  Anyway, I thought about how the zone leaders talked about giving of your experiences and I decided to go challenge one of them to a rap battle!  What better use of 15 minutes than testifying to 30 or more people about Jesus Christ? hahahah so I did it!!  It was suppperrrr funny and I definitely lost, but we all had fun and I was able to share our message with all of them.  hahahahah still can’t believe I did that.  Actually, apparently I'm on Facebook!  Some members from the chapel in the other sector were showing the Elders a video that there is of me.  Hahah, so even more people can see my message! Hahah, but it was super funny.
We are in a finding period right now.  Looking for more people to teach and doing lots of contacts.  Please pray that we will be able to find the people that the Lord has prepared!!
Also this next week it will be fiestas because of the 18 de Septiembre, so we will see how it works with emailing and stuff....don't be worried if I don't email on Monday please(:  LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!  Have a great week and keep reading the Book of Mormon every day and learning to receive personal revelation!
--Hermana West