Monday, August 13, 2018

week 60

Helloooooo family!!
This week was crazy and fun!!!  We had zone conference which was great!!  I realized again how much I just love the mission and how much I will miss being a part of the work when I go home.  But I still have 4 months!!  Such a blessing!!  I love you guys so much.  I'm so excited for you KEVIN!!!  THE MISSION IS THE BEST!!! WOOHOOO!!!
I'm finally back with Hermana Weber!!  Cambio calls were last night and we are safe!! We are sticking together another 6 weeks!!  (I remembered this time.  Next week is the leadership conference so I might not write a ton..  Just a heads up.  But I’ll read everything you send).
Soooo want to hear the craziest part of my week??
When I was on exchanges with another sister, she asked me to cut her hair before district meeting.  Her hair is super thick so to cut it we needed to get it a little bit wet.  We had a spray bottle with bleach in it and I put the bleach in a cup and water in the spray bottle.  Then we had to leave to district meeting really fast and didn't have time to put everything away before we left.  After lunch we went back to the house real fast to grab some things.  I went to the bathroom and like 2 seconds later I was pounding on the door.  I thought she had to go to the bathroom, so I went out really fast. But she was throwing up in the sink.  I went over to her and started rubbing her back cause I thought she was sick and started throwing up.  Then I realized she couldn't talk and wasn't breathing!!  I thought maybe she was choking (I know she was throwing up so obviously wasn't choking but in the moment I didn't realized that)  so I started hitting her back and trying to help her get it out.  But then she started pointing to a cup over and over again and then I remembered this morning I had put bleach in there.  I realized she drank the bleach!!  In that moment sooo much panic went over me.  I had no idea what to do.  I just told her over and over again to gag herself and keep throwing up, and I just prayed so hard while I tried to think about what to do. We didn't have anyone to call.  I just called a taxi and the zone leaders and told them to go to the hospital immediately.  We didn't have a poison control number or ambulance number or anything.  While we were waiting for the taxi and she was throwing up a ton, I remembered that the week before an Elder told me that before his mission he accidentally drank bleach too.  I called him and asked him what he did.  He was able to help us know what to do in the meantime (eat bananas and drink milk)  and then we got to the hospital and she was taken care of.  But holy cow, I thought she was going to die.  I mean, I knew somehow everything was going to be ok, but I didn't see how.  But in the end, it was.  What happened was she got to the house and was really thirsty and just looked for the first thing to drink.  She also has a stuffed up nose so couldn't smell that it was chlorine.  She said when she drank, it tasted salty and she thought I was crazy and had made salty water.  Then her throat started closing off and she couldn't breath and started throwing up.  She said though that in that moment she felt something like a power wash over her from her head to her feet and knew that because she had been endowed in the temple that she would be protected and ok.  She felt strength and peace and new she would be ok.  Anyway, we laugh super hard about it now. But in the moment, it was terrifying for everyone.  The thing is, the Lord takes care of his missionaries and the work goes on.  Hahaha.  But I know that prayer is real, the Lord knows us and loves us, and that the blessings from the temple are very real as well.  What a blessing it is to have temples on the earth!!!  I hope you all have a great week and don't drink bleach(:  Love you!!!!!
--Hermana West