Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 47

Hello fam,
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there hahah(:  I love you all.  Especially you mom.  I love you so so so much and I'm so grateful for all that you do for me and for the family.  Honestly there is not a better mom anywhere.  I love you.
This week was great. A lot happened.  Some super quick things...
-We had super intercambios (all the Hermanas in the zone switched companions for a day) and I got to be with my old companion, Hermana Campos.  That was so much fun.
-We found STARBURSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We stopped on the way to the campo at a random gas station to use the bathroom and they had starbursts!!!  We hit the jackpot man.
-I heard that some of my investigators from Punta Arenas want to get baptized!!! AHHH  so excited!!!
-For lunch a family took us to their cabin and we ate asado.  So good. And its fall here so all the trees had changed colors and it was beautiful.  But I'm getting so fat here hahahahah.  Its really not funny.

Its been a great week.  We passed by a family from the area book that had shared with missionaries about 2 years ago.  They were so happy to see us and let us in!!  We talked for awhile and discovered that the daughter still reads in her Book of Mormon when she feels sad.  They are so incredible.  The Mom is 50 and has a husband and 2 daughters who are both our age.  They are already committed to come to church next week and they are super excited.  We love them so much already.
We had 6 people with a baptismal date but they all have been slowly dying off.  One of them is still really progressing though.  H'es a blind old man.  He comes to church every week and loves the gospel.  He is really becoming converted.  
I've been studying a lot about humility lately.  That is the Christ-like attribute that I'm working on.  Some things that I keep learning are that God really just wants us to be happy.  Everything He does is so that we can be happy.  He gives us commandments, families, everything so we can be happy.  Even if it sometimes doesn't seem like it, we can always trust that whatever He is doing with our lives is for our happiness if we are being obedient and living righteously.  I know that's true!
Anyway, since it's mothers day just wanted to share a quick lil´ quote with you guys.

"Perhaps the reason we respond so universally to our mother's love is because it typifies the love of our Savior.  As President Joseph F. Smith said, " The love of a true mother comes nearer to being like the love of God than any other kind of love."

I love you Mom!!  Happy mother´s day and give your mothers a big hug!!
--Hermana West

Dog encounters from last week.

1--It was 9:50 at night and we have to be in the house sì o sì by 10, so we were running really fast and a pack of dogs started chasing us but I had my umbrella so I just walked really fast and tried to hit them when they got close.
2-Same night we were rounding the corner to get to our house and there is always a German Shepard there but he doesn't do anything.  But tonight he was the devil seriously.  He charged at us barking and trying to attack us.  I opened my umbrella to defend us (thank goodness for my umbrella right?).  Usually they go away after a minute but he didn't!!  We fought him off for so long and he kept following us!!!  He tried to bite us from all sides and that was the closest I've been to getting bit.  Luckily the umbrella blocked us most of the time and then he finally got distracted by someone else at the top of the hill and ran off.
3  We were going to lunch at a members house. It's on a hill and in a culdesac. There is a horrible German Shepard there that bites everyone.  We always have to call when we get there so they can come get us and walk us to their house.  Lately the dog hasn't been there so we started up the hill really slowly to see if it was there and we picked up rocks before hand.  we see it.  Usually it barks and you just walk away and call.  This time it starts barking and sprints at us full speed and keeps coming.  I thought it would stop but it didn't.  So luckily I had the rock and chucked it at him and he got stunned for a second and then we ran down the hill full of adrenaline.  AHHHH  estoy chata de eses perrosssss!!! (