Friday, October 26, 2018

Week 68

Hello family!!
This week was great, but different!!  We had zone conference, interviews, district meeting, general conference (which was soooo good!!), and an invasion (where you go help out other missionaries in another sector).  It’s been pretty busy. 
But with not having lots of time to work in our own sector, we have seen how the Lord has magnified our time.  In the hours we were able to work in our sector, we saw sooo many miracles.  The Spirit led us to people who were prepared to listen to our message and despite the lack of time we were able to find 3 new people that are interested in our message and we were able to talk with so many people!  I love how I feel being a missionary.  There is SOOO much joy in serving others.  There is nothing better than being able to help someone with a problem.
Conference was awesome.  I know that the people who spoke are Christ´s servants!!  All of the questions I brought were answered.  I felt like it was all for me!  But I especially loved the women's conference.  We went to the mission home and watched it with Hermana Isom.  She gave us her famous chocolate chip cookies that she gives us after every interview, and we got to sit on a super comfy couch to watch.  It felt like I was back in the states.  All of the talks were so good, but I loved when the prophet spoke.  I know his invitation to read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover marking all the references to Christ comes from Jesus Christ himself.  I started immediately and I'm in 1 Nephi 14 now.  Even though I'm just starting, it's already been cool to see how much you start realizing just how aware the Lord is of you.  That since the beginning, Heavenly Father has talked to us and that He continues to do so.  I'm so grateful for prayer.  I'm also so grateful for you guys.  Thanks for being my best friends!!  I'm so blessed with such a good family.  Each person tries to be more like Jesus and it’s such a blessing.  I love you all!!!
I LOVE reading Kevin´s letters.  They make me so happy.  I'm so grateful for such good brothers and sisters who are great examples!  It's kinda funny, but every time I see missionaries out working or pictures of Kevin I want to cry because I'm so happy.  What a privilege we have to be able to serve the Savior!!
Anyway, sorry I feel like my letters get worse and worse as time goes on....anything you want to hear?  Sorry if it's getting old hahah!!  have a great week and apply what you learned in conference!! Love you!!
--Hermana West