Thursday, February 15, 2018

Week 35

Hey fam!! This week was pretty great!!  We went to see penguins today so I don't have a ton of time to write (sorry).  But I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!  
Some exciting news that I think I forgot to mention...Elder Christofferson is coming to speak to all the mission on Saturday!! I'm so excited!!!
Hermana Canales was sick with the flu a few times this week so I had a lot of time to study!!!  I want to testify that the apostles and prophets are really called by Jesus Christ himself.  This is His church and he is still guiding it today!!  I'm really so sorry I don't have more time to write (there were a few complications but we saw lots of miracles this week).  Anyway, I love you all!!!!  I'm doing well and still praying for each of you everyday! Thanks for all you are doing!! Keep studying Christ and trying to become more like Him!!  He is the only way to lasting peace and joy.  Love you all!!  Talk to you next week!!
--Hermana West