Thursday, February 15, 2018

Week 34

Helllooooo Family!!!
What a great week!!  We have had lots of good experiences.  We went and visited a really pretty waterfall this morning and I felt like I was in the jungle.  (plus its super hot and humid right now so that helped with the jungle feel) It was super fun!!  hahah buttt apart from it being superrrrrrrrr hot, we have had lots of great experiences like I just said.
This week we had interviews with president!  Afterward, he came to visit a house that we want to change to (there are some problems with our house situation right now).  Anyway, the lady who owns the house hasn't been to church for a looong time but she is a member.  While we were there we got an appointment with her for the next day....and....HER DAUGHTER WANTS TO BE BAPTIZED WHOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Im so happy!!!!  And on top of that, her mom, the menos activa, hasn't been to church for YEARS.  I asked her to pray at the end of the lesson.  She paused and stared at me and her daughter.  In my head I was thinking..."I know that look...shes going to say no and then we are going to make her promise to say it the next time".  But NO!!  To my surprise, she said bueno...but I don't know if I will remember how.  Then she said one of the most sincere prayers.  There is nothing like hearing someone speak with God after a lot of time.  At the end of the prayer, she was super emotional and smiling.  She told us that she hadn't said a single prayer for YEARS.  I leaped up and gave her the biggest hug!  I was sooo happy for her!!!!!!  Basically we have been seeing miracle after miracle!!  
Another cool experience we had was we were trackting and knocking doors when I randomly had the thought to visit a member from the ward.  We went and visited with her for a bit.  On top of it being a really spiritual experience, she was telling us about her son who isn't a member.  He is married to a lady who is less active and their daughter isn't a member.  I felt really strongly that we needed to get to know them, and turns out, they live in our sector!  She said they don't want to share with missionaries, but we are going to be sneaky and I'm just going to introduce me and my companion and we will just have a good interaction with them.  From there we will slowly start seeing them more and hopefully be able to share.  Anyway, the point is that we felt like we should visit them.  The next day, Sunday, we were eating lunch with a member from the ward.  I felt to share with her a scripture in Mosiah 27 about how  the prayers of Alma and others were heard and an angel visited Alma the younger and the other guys because of the prayers of his dad and others.  She then proceeded to tell us about her daughter that is less active and lives pretty close.  I felt really strongly that we needed to visit her.  After talking for awhile, we realized its the SAME lady that is married to the son of the member that we visited the other day.  The same family and I had no idea!  the spirit is incredible.  Apparently this family needs to be contacted right now and we are really excited to see what happens!!!  
Anyway, that's basically been my week!!!  i love you all so much and pray for you everyday!!!  Have an incredible week!!  I love you!
--Hermana West