Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 36

Hey family.  Soooo I should probably get my life together and give you all a huge update hahah.  Sorry for the craziness.
We just got transfer calls last night and.... I'm going to train.....hahaha.  I’m pretty humbled.  I feel like I have lots of weaknesses but maybe that's why I get to have this opportunity--to force myself to improve hahah.  I know that she is going to be able to teach me more than I can probably help her.  But it is interesting to see how Heavenly Father prepares us.  This whole cambio I have felt like I might train and Heavenly Father has put people in my life to prepare me and given me experiences to prepare me.  We are just going to follow the Spirit, look to Christ, be obedient, and work hard!    Anyway...that's about it hahah.    Oh, she’s from Utah and her name is Hermana Highland!

Elder Christofferson came to speak to us along with Elder Bragg this week!  So we traveled to Puerto Montt for 5 hours on Friday and stayed with the Hermana Leaders, then the next morning got up super early and traveled to Puerto Varas for another 2 hours. And then after the conference we had to do it all again.  The mission has taught me to not love traveling hahahaha. 
But the conference was soooo good!!!  The whole mission traveled to be there. So it was really powerful.  But Elder Bragg talked about the importance of bringing people to church! Taking the Sacrament every week is SO important!  SO important.  That's probably one of the biggest things I've learned in the mission.  Elder Christofferson echoed the words of Elder Bragg and then gave us some other training on being missionaries, but among other things, he talked about love and faith.  We each need to have love.  Something he said that I loved was that "If your love for the people is sincere and the pure love of Christ, they are going to feel it, and they can’t deny it."  So really the only way to help people change, the only way to see any progression in anybody, is through love.  Then he spoke about how if we are working hard and doing our part we can leave it in the hands of God.  We have to recognize that He is God.  We are His children and we are in His hands.  Just do your part and put your trust in God.  That applies to all aspects of our lives. 

 The people here in Juan Soler are great!  We found a family of Colombianos through a miracle.  Elder Becerra and Elder Oliver were calling a menos activo and accidentally dialed the wrong number but ended up setting up an appointment with this family and then passing the reference to us.  They are goldennnnn!  I'm so excited to see what happens there!
We have one investigator with a baptismal date right now, named Fernanda.  She will be baptized on March 10th.  She is 11 years old and her mom is a menos activa.  Fernanda is so full of faith and she has lots of desires to learn about Christ.  We are trying to make sure she is really converted to the gospel before she gets baptized, so we might postpone her baptismal date depending on how we feel this week!  But she is so incredible!!  We are also visiting 4 other 11-year olds and we are going to start bringing them with us to the citas.  It will be great because they will have friends and they can be involved in helping others learn the gospel too!!  This group of 11-year olds are soooo golden!!!

Also, we have been working on changing houses for the past transfer because of a lot of reasons, but everything finally went through and we are going to change March first!  The weather here is getting cooler, but we still have days where we die of heat. 

Anyway, there’s my update!!!  I love you so much!!  Have a great week!
--Hermana West