Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week 22

Hola Familia,
This has been a really good week full of so many miracles.  I cant even begin to describe all that happened.  First, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB! I love you.
Anyway, I have grown a lot this week.  Ive been thinking a lot about Jesus Christ and how he is our source of strength.  Satan was really working hard on me earlier this week. I was fighting off a bad mood for about 2 days, random problems kept coming up, and I was really tempted to be impatient and lose faith or give into negativity.  I didn't, but it was exhausting trying to fight that.  One day, I was super exhausted and I knew I couldn't keep going without getting more help from my Savior.  I was talking with Hermana Egbert and just sobbing because of how exhausted I felt.  We have been really put through the ringer (hahah please correct this because I don't know how it is spelled) this last week and we are both wiped out.  It feels like we are running the 400 meter in Track.  The last stretch of the race you just want to quit so bad.  You don't want to keep running.  It hurts a lot.  Your lungs are on fire, your legs are jello, and you are exhausted.  But then you remember your coach and everything he has taught you and you keep running, and you push through it extra hard so that you don't let your team down. Even though its a lot easier to lose faith and be in a bad mood/negative, I can never give in because I NEED the spirit.  My "team" needs me.  There are lives I NEED to touch, people I NEED to bless and be strong for, and things I NEED to learn for my future family.  And I cant do that, I cant become that person, if I lose the spirit. I just pictured myself running the last leg of the race and being so exhausted and wanting to stop and starting to trip as im coming around the corner.  My strength is exhausted, I cant keep going and im about to stop, but then I look over and see my Savior is right there with me.  I colapse in His arms and he takes us the rest of the way and we win the race together.  In reality, He wins the race.  He runs the whole race, and he can carry me the whole way if I let him.  Its like the gun goes off and I start running and think "Im doing it!  My strength is enough!"  And then about 10 seconds in I realize that im weak and that Im in pain and that I need help.  Im learning to start running the race with the Savior and keep running it with Him.  I dont do it on purpose.  In fact, a lot of times Im trying to jump into His arms but I dont know how.  But ive discovered that the way I do it is by learning about Him everyday.  The more I study His life and His teachings, the better I know His character.  The more I know His character, the better able I am to trust Him and put my Faith in Him, and then He is able to carry me because Im willing to let Him.  I need my Savior every second of everyday.  My strength is not enough, I HAVE to do the work with Him.

Ive also been thinking a lot about how God is love.  I pictured myself sitting on the beach looking out at the water and sitting with the Jesus Christ having a personal interview with Him.  He wouldnt start pointing out everything that im not doing, he wouldnt start pointing out my weaknesses or things I struggle with.  He would hug me and tell me how much he loves me.  He would thank me for the things im doing.  He would thank me for being patient with my companion, with the investigators, and with myself.  He would thank me for tyring to serve others and learn the language so that I can better help them.  He would thank me for leaving my family to serve Him.  He would point out everything I am doing right and then if I tried to talk about my weaknesses or sins he would just lovingly say, "I do not condemn thee, go thy way and Sin no more."  I know its the same with you all.  Focus on what you are doing right.  And if you make a mistake, realize that you can choose to change in one second because of Jesus Christ and that you can start over immediatly, whenever you want, because of Jesus Christ.

Our investigators are doing really well and we are finding LOTS of new people.  The ward has been really working hard and fasting with us.  Missionary work is the most successful with the help of the members.  

My Spanish has really improved.  Thank you for all your prayers.  We give talks every month and yesterday I decided to just trust Heavenly Father and really rely on the Spirit to bless me with the gift of tongues.  I didn't go up with a script like I usually do.  I spoke from the Spirit and it went really well.  I was blessed with the words to say.  It wasn't perfect by any means, but I was able to convey the message that Heavenly Father needed me to.  I'm really learning to purify my faith.  To put all my trust in the Lord, and no trust in myself.  Its a process, but I'm learning more everyday.

With every person we have contacted this week, we have really felt the Spirit work through us.  Sometimes we are rejected, but we still feel good because we followed the Spirit.  We have just seemed to be in all the right places at all the right times this week and its been so special to see God work miracles in the lives of His children through His servants.  Its by no means anything im doing, we are just trying to do what Heavenly Father wants us to do.

I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!!  Study the life of the Savior and come to know him better and you will have lots of peace.  I love you!!

--Hermana West