Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 21

Week 21
I have some wild news...we found out if we are having transfers last night...and...HERMANA EGBERT AND I ARE STAYING TOGETHER AGAIN!!  This is wild!  That means by the end of this transfer we will have been together for almost 5 months, but also we will have seen months July through December together.  It’s gonna be fun!!!!!  We are pumped!!  And along those same lines, you’re probably wondering why that is the title of my email.  After being with someone 24/7 for 4 months, sometimes you come across moments of contention.  Disclaimer:  Hermana Egbert and I get along realllllyyy well and we don’t really have things that we fight over or anything.  But sometimes if we are really tired or feel sick then one of us becomes quiet and then after a while of that it feels weird.  We both become annoyed for absolutely no reason and we can’t figure out what’s going on, but Satan is working hard to get us to fight.  In these moments of frustration, we usually separate and go take a 5 minute break to pray and then come back together, give each other a hug, and keep moving on.  This week though, moments like this were happening every day.  Satan was attacking us really hard, and we were getting tired from trying to fight off bad moods for so long.  It’s easier to give in to the bad mood and be sassy or annoyed or whatever it is. But it’s really hard for a few moments to be humble and change your mood.  One day early on in the week, Hermana Egbert had one of those moments and we were talking about how we weren’t going to let Satan win at all!!  The next thing we knew, we were doing the hokey-pokey in the street.  It was so uncomfortable at first, but then we started laughing and got out of our bad moods!  We had to stay on guard the rest of the night so we said things we were grateful for, we laughed, and we looked outside of ourselves!  It’s hard work, but its soo worth it!  Ever since then, we promised Heavenly Father that we would do the Hokey-pokey whenever we started to feel like that.  It’s seriously some of the hardest ten seconds deciding to change and laugh, but it really works.  My favorite moment with that was when we were dragging around a HUGE vacuum that we took from the church to vacuum our house out.  We looked really strange already and to top it off, one of those moments came.  So we stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and started doing the dance.  
We felt so awkward but we were laughing so hard, especially when we looked over and saw some people in their yard watching us with really confused looks on their face.  TAKE TIME TO FIX YOUR PROBLEMS IMMEDIATELY!  You CANNOT and SHOULD NOT go on living without the Spirit.

Anyway...This week has been really good!!  It has been such good weather down here lately!  The sun is beautiful and we have felt so deprived of it for so long!  Halloween was fun!  Hermana Egbert and I dressed up as each other and we even Trick-or-treated ourselves when we got back to the house that night.  We have really been thinking a lot about balance this week.  Any virtue taken to the extreme becomes a vice.  Take time to ponder and think.  Take time to work hard and study.  Take time to do something fun.  Just find a balance in all things(:  Sometimes as missionaries we feel like we have to kill ourselves from work every day.  But that also takes the spirit away.  So we have to find a balance!  Sometimes missionaries feel like they have to be "consecrated" and they can’t think about their families or their homes or anything.  But, families are forever and that includes right now.  The key to happiness is in finding a balance through the Spirit!  I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again...THE SPIRIT IS EVERYTHING! 

One of our investigators told us that she didn’t want to get baptized on Saturday.  That was pretty sad, but we have felt very peaceful.  We know one day in the future she will get baptized, but for now there are some things going on in her life that are pretty overwhelming and she felt like it would be better to wait.  Another one also told us that she doesn’t want to get baptized anymore.  That was sad too, but once again, we feel peace.  We are going to keep being patient with her and relying on the Lord.  It’s been a really good week though!  And with both of them we had really powerful lessons!  God is in charge.  He has a plan.  These are His children and He loves them more than I do. So I can have complete trust that He will do all he can to help them return home to him!  I LOVE being a missionary!!  I still think back to when I opened my call and how shocked I was.  I had no Idea what was coming back then, and I had no idea how happy I would be!  I love you all so much and hope you have an amazing week!

--Hermana West