Thursday, July 6, 2017

Week 3

HOLA!!! I LOVED your 4th of July letters!! I saw Adria!! (My cousin) Actually, we have the same schedule so I see her all the time!!  She is so happy and doing so well!!  She told me the only time she started to tear up was when she was sitting in class and realized how happy she is here!! So she is doing well!!  And thanks Grandma for sending me a hug through her!!  But your letters made me so happy!! 

This week has been so good!!  I'm so happy!! Sometimes I wonder how life could get any better!!  The gospel of Jesus Christ is such a blessing and brings so much joy in my life!!  Our investigators are doing so well!!  They are both preparing to be baptized and it is so cool to see the positive changes in their lives!!  Fourth of July was so fun!!  They decorated the comador and had all american food that was so yummy and then we all sang the national anthem!!  It was so fun!!  I love America!!  My Spanish is really improving and it’s all thanks to the Spirit!!  Without it, I would not be able to speak hardly any Spanish!!  The biggest thing I think I've learned this week is how important covenants with God are!!  That's why I'm here!!  To help people make covenants with God so that they can be happy and receive more blessings!!  It has also poured every night and I LOVE IT!!  And it has been hailing a lot too!! The streets flood and it is so fun!!  Also the thunder at night here is incredible!!  This week, we had to say goodbye to our best Latina friends!!  They are only here for three weeks because they already know the language!  That was hard, but they are going to be such incredible missionaries so we are excited for all the good they will do!!  I don't have a ton to say this week sorry!!  But I love you all so much!! And I can still feel all of your prayers!!  ALSO, whoever started praying that the mosquitoes wouldn't eat me alive, thank you!!  After I sent the letter they stopped biting me it was a miracle!!!  I love you all so much!!  And in the words of Elder Bednar, to try to eliminate the word "I" from your vocabulary!  I promise that as you focus on finding ways to serve others and focus on trying to help them, you will be blessed with a tremendous amount of JOY!!!  I love you all!!!

--Hna West