Saturday, July 1, 2017

Week 2

First of all--sorry I didn't have time to respond a ton to people last week--it was pretty hard trying to figure out the Spanish keyboard and pictures too!  It was a struggle, haha.  Did they work? Also I don't even know what pictures I sent so sorry if they weren't even cool, haha. I can't see them.  I was doing great all week. Then we read emails, and I realized how much I miss you all and how hard it is. But don't think I'm sad for one second!! I'm so happy!! It's weird because it's so hard, and I'm tired and I miss my family, but living the gospel of Jesus Christ makes you so happy!! It’s so incredible to be a missionary!!  So it’s been a hard week, but a GOOD week!! And when it’s hard, I can't even think about it for too long because of all I have to be grateful for here!! It's so good to be a missionary!!  Also, we can only take pics on preparation-days because we need to focus on the work. So I will try to send the pic of the palm tree of parrots when I can!! Also yes, I will send pics of my room eventually. But last week was just rough, hahaha.    A bit about my comp:  she is a hard worker.  Like I said, she lived in Italy for 5 years. So she speaks Italian, and her Spanish is great!  She went to school at North Carolina and studied history! I love her!! She also plays the piano, so she plays for our branch meetings and stuff!!  We have been doing the MTC choir, and it is so much fun!!  Even though I don´t know what the words mean, I can still feel the spirit and it is cool!!  The food!!  The food here is good!!  It's funny because you never know what they are serving, so it’s fun to try to figure out what you are eating. But most of the time it tastes really good!! Especially the mangoes!!  The hermanas in my district also love to play volleyball. So that's what we did today, and it was so much fun!!!!  I LOVE MY DISTRICT!! We are all best friends, and it's so fun!! Also, we can't just check the weather. So a lot of times, we get caught in downpours, and it is so fun!! That's not sarcastic. It really is fun!! haha!  In the mornings, I hear the birds are so loud, haha. And remember how Mexico doesn't really have driving rules? So all day you hear car horns, and it’s so fun being here!!  One of my favorite things is trying to talk to the Latinas!! It should destroy my confidence, but it does the opposite!! They are so patient with my Spanish and help me out a ton!!  Also, I get eaten alive by mosquitoes at night because it’s so hot so we don't sleep with blankets and the windows are open!! But I still love it!!  You just count your blessings cause it could be a lot worse!!  When you open the cabinets in the classroom in the mornings, tons of them fly out!!  Last night the, the hermanas in our casa had a dance party [with mission approved music] and it was so fun!!  Also, read 2nd Nephi 5:25.  Even though it is hard, I'm still happy because of Jesus Christ.  Pick an attribute of his to work on each week, and you will be so much more happy!!  Also, there is a really sweet janitor here that shares weekly scriptures with us and practices his English!! We love him!!  I love you all!! Try to become like Christ each week and you will always be happy and have peace!!  I love you, and I'll talk to you soon!!
My companion and I go running at the track in the mornings now.  It helps us focus better and we can go at our own speed!! It is always super pretty in the mornings with sunrises or fog on rainy days! Also, the lights on the hill look like fairy lights, and it is so beautiful!! We are assigned temple days. We get to go twice!  And ya, we do a session!! It is so beautiful. Right when you walk in, there is a huge mural of Christ visiting the Lamanites. And it is so special because these people are the Lamanites!! I love it!!  This week there have been massive rainstorms and lightning and thunder, and I love it so much!! Also at one of the devotionals, we sang Brightly Beams, and I thought of my mom. Then we walked home in a lightning storm and thought my mom would've loved it!! It was so fun!! We have 45 minutes of gym time every day. Today, we played a huge game and it was so much fun!!  This week was a bit rough. I don't have time to think about missing you guys until I email. Also, they are emphasizing the language a lot more, and it has been a little stressful. But it’s still good, and I'm still happy.  The schedule is different every day. But breakfast is usually at 7:15, and then classes all day!  The mangoes are incredible and the grapes are huge!!! So yummy!! Oh also, since I'm an sister training leader, sometimes I have a meeting instead of gym time. But it's good that we run in the mornings!!  

From her email to the little kids:

I love you guys!!!  We saw a cool snail on our run this morning!!  There are also these super cute fat chubby birds that go crazy hopping around. It makes me want to be here with you guys!!