Friday, October 26, 2018

Week 70

Hey guys!
This week we saw lots of miracles!!  I have really been working on strengthening my faith. As I've made a greater effort and trying to help others have more faith I have seen lots of miracles!!
Here are just 3...
The Hermanas before us were teaching a family who was pretty receptive, but then for some reason stopped answering and meeting with them.  We have been trying to contact them for a long time but nothing.  One day we had the thought to go over there and knock so we did.  Nothing.  But we knew we followed the Spirit.  Then about an hour later we got a call from the mom telling us she misses the missionaries and wanted us to visit them the next day.  She said the whole family would be there ready to listen!!  That was awesome!!  They are great, they just don't have lots of time.  But I know that because we feel like God is telling us to try again with them that they will make progress!!
The other miracle is pretty similar.  There is a young family who has lots of problems and they got mad at the missionaries and stopped answering them.  Same thing.  Out of the blue the woman called us and told us she wanted to talk to us.  We went over right away.  She explained that her daughter has a school project where they have to represent other countries.  They were assigned Brazil.  So she asked my companion for some recipes and for our help with the project.  She told us she also wanted to come to church with us on Sunday but that she doesn't have time to receive the lessons.  That was a huge miracle.  Heavenly Father knows his children and he doesn't ever want to give up on them.  When they are ready again, he sends the missionaries in some way or another.
The third one was this week while we were going to district meeting we contacted two Haitian men and invited them to church.  This Sunday, neither of them showed up.  But at the end of sacrament meeting a Haitian man walked in.  We thought it was one of them but afterward while talking we figured out he was the friend of the two men.  They couldn't go, so they sent their friend.  He explained that he always goes to another church on Sunday, but that he came to our church for today because his friends (who aren't members) asked him to go.  He loved it!  Actually, it turns out our other Haitian friend who always comes to church is one of his best friends already so that was a plus.  He was asking us all about prophets and everything.  That was also really special to see!!
I'm learning a lot still.  I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a missionary.  I love it!  I know God is still working miracles all day everyday in our lives.  We just have to have eyes to see them(:  Please keep reading your scriptures everyday and saying your prayers! Keep doing what the Savior has asked us to do--learn to receive personal revelation! I love you all!!
-Hermana West