Monday, August 27, 2018

Week 63

Hellooo again!
Love you all so much. I love reading your letters.  That's so fun that Tyler started kindergarten!!!  And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD!! Love you so much!!
buenoooooooo que paso esta semana?.....
Oh!  We had intercambios with the Hermanas de Aysen!  I went with la Hermana Lubomirsky from Argentina!  She´s in here training and it was so fun to be with her!  It reminded me of how much I loved being new to the mission even though it was hard.  I had flashbacks to Punta Arenas and Chiloè the whole time and it just made me really sentimental for the mission.  I love being here, I love being a missionary, I never want to leave Chile!!!

There was also a multi stake conference for all of Chile!  Elder Christofferson and President Oaks both spoke.  It was super special. This week as I was inviting Vanessa (someone we are teaching) to the conference I said, "...and two of Christ´s apostles are going to speak to us".  In that moment it just hit me again how blessed we are to have Christ´s church on the earth again.  Its not His ancient apostles that were coming to speak, they are HIS ACTUAL APOSTLES.  Special witnesses of the Savior TODAY. Do we realize how big of a blessing that is???

Buttttt I love being a missionary can I just say that again???  I have been learning a lot about repentance and baptism for the remission of sins.  Its such a blessing to be members of Christs church.  We can be baptized by someone who has Gods authority to do so, and when we do that we are completely forgiven of our sins.  Clean and new!  What a blessing to have that every week as we take the sacrament!!  The definition of remission is " the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty."  So literally when we repent and then are baptized and confirmed by someone who has the authority of God, and/or when we take the sacrament every week, we are washed completely clean.  Without that authority, we can repent, but not have our "charge or penalty" cancelled or forgiven.  Once again, what a BLESSING it is to have been baptized in Christ´s church, and what a beautiful message we have that we need to share with EVERYONE!!  Everyone needs to know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that we can be completely clean!  I love being able to teach people that!

Here is something that happened last week that i forgot to share with you guys...I copied it from Hna Weber´s email because she already wrote about it, but I say "amen" to everything she wrote hahahah.
"We are still teaching Jasmele (Carlos's sister-in-law) and she is still progressing so well.  She told us the cutest story yesterday!  Right before reading the chapter in the Book of Mormon that we had assigned to her, she was holding it in her hands and then bowed her head to pray.  Isabela (Carlos' 3 year-old daughter) was sitting right next to her watching cartoons on Jasmele's phone when she looked at Jasmele and asked, "Are you praying?"  She responded, "yes" and kept praying.  Then the most precious thing happened.  Isabela took the BoM out of her hands putting it in her own lap and then covered her eyes with her little baby hands and started praying too.  I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and everything it does to bless the family.  That moment for me was so powerful.  It made me realize just how aware little kids are and that they really do follow the example of their parents.  It made me remember and thank my Heavenly Father for the example of my own parents who taught me how to pray and study the scriptures. "
I love you all!!  Have a great week and keep being examples to everyone around you!! Lift where you stand(:
--Hermana West