Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Week 61

Hello family!!
I imagine you guys have had a wild week of emotions with Kevin leaving, I mean ELDER WEST!!!  AHHHH that makes me so happy!!!  I'm 100 percent sure he is having a great time right now.  I loved the ccm.  Its crazy but so fun. Like I said, we are traveling today so I don't have lots of time to write, but the good news is I might see HERMANA HYLAND ON WEDNESDAY!!  I'm so excited.  She's in Puerto Montt now so if we have time in the morning we will go to her consejo (council).  Fingers crossed I'll be able to see her!!
Anyway, this week was good.  It was transfers so we received new missionaries.  They are so cute and full of energy and ready to work!  One of the sisters is brand new and so sweet.  So we traveled to Aysen on Yhursday to go do the training for trainers.  I've just been thinking a lot about my training and how much I love being a missionary.  There is nothing better. I love this work.  Helping someone become converted is honestly the BEST thing in the world.  I never want to leave!
There was also a training this week for seminaries and institutes and they invited the missionaries here to go. Then the next day the hermano asked to have a private consejo de distrito (district council) with us for a few hours. We learned sooooo much.  Basically the Savior´s second coming is VERY soon and He is hastening his work.  There are lots of changes coming to help us live more by the spirit and strengthen our homes.  We all need to learn so that we can act.  That's something I've learned a lot these past few months of my mission.  Learning is so important.  The scripture "It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance" has really come to take meaning for me.  We need to learn so that we can make covenants, learn so that we can do things the right way, learn so that we know God's will, learn learn learn.  We are so blessed to have a living Prophet and the scriptures.
Ok I gotta go...have a great week and keep learning to receive personal revelation!!  Love you all!!
--Hermana West