Friday, July 27, 2018

Week 57

16 July 2018

Hello familiy!!  So this week has been absolutely nuts!!!!!!!!!!  John Miracle is getting baptized this week and we got special permision from president to do it because he hasn't been to church three times. I will explain more later....and  our other investigator is going to get baptized next week!!
Basically we have taught John everyday and he knows President Nelson is the prophet, and he knows this is Christs church.  The only thing he wants to do is get baptized.  And he loves the church.  It was so sweet.  The other day he just thanked us so much for teaching him and for helping him know these things.  I'll write more and stuff and send a pic so that I can tell you everything!!  I don't have much time!!  But please pray that he can make it to his baptism on Saturday!!! 
We are seeing so many miracles!!!  Sorry that once again I don't have time!!!  But I'll see you in 5 months(; hahahah Love you lots!!!
I love being a missionary for my Savior!!  Keep reading your scriptures and saying your prayers!!  I love you!!!
--Hermana West