Friday, July 27, 2018

Week 56

Hola!!!  This week was great!!  To start off with a few random things...
1- We had our leadership conference and traveled back from Osorno and it was fun!
2-For the fourth of july we made smores, peach cobbler, burned an ugly dress, danced country, and withing two minutes of waking up sang the national anthem and said the pledge of allegiance hahah.  We had a lot of fun! I love my countryyyyyy.
3-We went to an olympic gymn thing today and I got to play on all their gymnastics equipment (still was able to do a cartwheel on the balance beam by the way hahahahh) and play volleyball!!!  It was soooo fun!!
Ok now to the good stuff...
This week was way too good!!  I cant even begin to describe all of the miracles that we saw but ill explain a few!
About 3 weeks ago when Basilio got confirmed a family of Venezuelans walked into church and the dad isnt a member.  This week we started giving him the lessons!  He is so GOLDEN!!!!  He told us that he wants to get baptized but doesn't feel like he understands the scriptures and that would be the only thing stopping him.  So what we have been doing is stopping by every day and teaching the lessons using only the Book of Mormon.  He has been progressing a ton!!  He has already been to church three times and he is reading the Book of Mormon.  After we taught him the Plan of Salvation things just kind of clicked and he says he believes its all true.  They have really bad living conditions though and want to move up past Santiago August 5th.  Right now his date is for August 4th and we are hoping we will be able to move it up to July 27th but we will see.  If not we will make sure they stay in contact with the missionaries up there.  But he is incredible!! Love that family!!
Another cool miracle we saw this week was with a Haitian man. He literally is a miracle.  About a month ago we were walking from consejo de distrito to lunch and on the other side of the street we saw him talking to a woman.  They were both watching us so we decided to go and talk to them.  The woman ended up walking away but we contacted John and he told us we could pass by.  We were super excited and went to his house but we could never find it.  So nothing happened.  But this week we we had to go to Consejo de Distrito a little bit early and while we were walking guess who we ran into??  John Miracle!!  He told us he had been waiting for us and we explained what had happend.  He told us how to get there and we invited him to church.  HE SHOWED UP TO CHURCH ON HIS OWN AND LOVED IT!!!  It was awesome!!  We passed by his house afterward and taught him the Restoration ( we teach him in english because he understands that better than Spanish).  While we were explaining the Book of Mormon he paused us and asked US how he could get baptized!! HE ASKED US!!!  We were sooo excited!!  We explained we would help him and he also has a baptismal date for August 4th.
The other miracle is with a menos activo whose has had lots of problems with drinking.  When I first got here he was doing well and progressing but then he fell back into it.  His wife was sick of it and wanted to get a divorce.  We talked with the branch president and he went and visited them and they made a plan to help him come back.  His wife doesn't have much faith in him anymore but we were excited.  Anyway, HE SHOWED UP TO CHURCH!!!  And he even came without his family!!!!! That was a huge step for him! He then told us that that morning he had had a super spiritual experience that he wanted to tell us about.  After church we went to visit him and he told us that on Saturday night he had downloaded an app that would allow him to download videos.  He left his phone charging and went to bed.  The next morning when he went to look at his phone there was a video pulled up that he didn't recognize.  He started watching it and it was of God talking to us as his children.  It was basically a video saying that God loved him and wanted him on His side and that he could have a fullfilling life if he followed Him.  He was super emotional and very repentant.  He told us he knew it was miracle sent by God and the Spirit flooded the room.  Everyone there could feel the sweet joy that comes from repentance!!  He was very humble and wants to change especially so he can help his family get back to God.  He began to cry and told us he needs to be involved.  That he wants to leave with the missionaries and serve others or he knows he will fall back into the same thing.  So we immediatly invited him to a lesson we had that night with Carlos and it went SUPER well.  It was perfect because we were teaching the doctrine of Christ.  Those are the joys of the mission.  You just see God working in the lives of His children.  It was also really special because my companion and I had prayed the night before that he could have an experience that would help him wake up and want to change.  I know prayer is real and powerful! 
Anyway, its been a great week and things are booming here!!  We have had so many other experiences like that but I dont have time to write them all!
Anyway I love you all very much and hope you are enjoying life, reading the scriptures, and doing those things that will bring you closer to Christ!!  Love you!!
--Hermana West