Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Week 41

What a week.
This week was good!!  We had to drop a few investigators which was really sad, but other than that the work is progressing!!  I'm so excited for general conference!!  I know that what they will say is what Christ would tell us.  So, if you could ask Jesus Christ one thing, what would it be?  Bring that question to conference and you will receive an answer!! 
We had lots of activities this week which was really good and we were able to find lots of people.  We had intercambios as well and I went to Ancud with Hermana Dougal.  We found a family who wants to learn more and they actually asked us if they can be baptized.  WHAT.  So cool.
I have been struggling a little bit to feel like my mission has been successful.  And I know sometimes we feel like that in school, work, being a parent, or whatever it else we are doing in life.  But, to quote President Hinckley, " You are doing the best you can, and that best results in good to yourself and to others. Do not nag yourself with a sense of failure. Get on your knees and ask for the blessings of the Lord; then stand on your feet and do what you are asked to do. Then leave the matter in the hands of the Lord. You will discover that you have accomplished something beyond price.  “You never know. You never know whether you do any good. You never know how much good you do.”
I know that's true even though it's sometimes hard to see it!!  I love you all!!!  Have an amazing week!!!
--Hermana West