Thursday, March 22, 2018

Week 40

Some random things from the week...
1- We went to the huge waterfall again because Hermana Hyland hasn't been
2-It has been pouring rain every day and it’s so cold.  We don't have money for wood and the mission is going to change from wood to pellets, so in the meantime we wear sooo many layers in the mornings.  
3-I don't think I've told you this but there are so many Haitians here in Chile.  They make for golden investigators because they are very humble.  All the missionaries love teaching them, and we love to look for them because 100% of the time they want to listen. We found a house with like 20 Haitians in it yesterday and they all want to listen and come to church!  WHATTTT
4-We had zone conference and that was SO good!!  I had to speak yet again (I'm telling you, Heavenly Father really loves trying to develop my public speaking in a different language skills)
5-I completed 9 months in the mission!!  That was wild!
6-We have been chopping wood a lot for other people and that's always fun!
7-One of our investigators wanted to drink coffee with us and we explained that we didn't drink coffee, but we offered to just drink hot water.  She was confused but ok with it. Then I looked over and SHE WAS DOING THE SAME THING!!!!  I was so excited and commented about it and she said, "well if the Lord knows its bad for you, I'm not going to drink it!!"  That was incredible!!

This week was great!!  We have seen soo many miracles!!!  They just keep coming!!  I feel like we have been very guided by the spirit.  We have tried our best to make sure there is nothing in our lives that would impede the influence of the spirit in this work.  As we have done that, Heavenly Father has been able to transform us and this sector.  I know it’s the same with you and your personal lives, with whatever situation you might be in!!

The sector is doing great!  I love it here.  There are lots of people that want to listen to our message or at least who are willing, but the challenge always is getting them to act.   Actually, this week I was stuck on thinking about what more I need to do to get our investigators to come to church.  I was thinking about it all week and yesterday the answer came super unexpectedly.  In my personal study I was studying the Sacrament and I was reading about when Christ institutes the sacrament among the Nephites in the Book of Mormon.  I have read it like a hundred times but for some reason this time it hit me hard.  Christ says, "And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my spirit to be with you."  I know that as a missionary if I have the Spirit with me and I act on the promptings I receive, I will be doing exactly what the Savior wants me to be doing with these people.  So, I am constantly praying to have the Spirit with me in everything that I do.  But this hit me and helped me see once again the key to success.  The more we remember the Savior, the more we think about Him and what He would do, the more we will have His spirit to be with us.  So, If I want to help people come to church, I need to look to the Savior even more.  If I do that I will have His spirit to be with me and in turn, I will say the things He would want me to say and do the things that He wants me to do with His people.  So, then I thought about what type of missionary the Savior is.  He is very calm.  He is relaxed and tranquil.  He never takes away people’s agency at all.  He teaches them and testifies of himself and the Father, and when the people don't understand, He doesn't beat himself up or think "dang, how can I make this person come to church or understand?".  He is sad, but He doesn't become discouraged or self-deprecating.  He lets people fully use their agency.  He doesn't try to force or persuade anybody.  He presents the message and lets them choose if they want to take part or not.  Then He respects their decision and moves on. It doesn't matter how sad he might be, He completely respects their agency while still loving them and being there for them when they want to accept.  It’s the same with us as missionaries.  We can present the message and do our best to present it in a way that the spirit can teach to their hearts, but in the end if they choose not to act we need to move on and keep looking for those who are ready and willing to accept the gospel.  We shouldn't try to convince or make them do something.  Then we should keep praying for those people that they will one day be ready and willing to accept and act!  The work is urgent!!  There is so much to do! (:  I love being a missionary!!  I love you all and hope you have a great week!!
--Hermana West