Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Week 39

Well...this week was full of miracle after miracle.  
The work is starting to boom here.  
We had such an amazing experience last Wednesday.  There was an investigator that we hadn't visited for a while because the last time we went, her son was drugged and acting weird and the Spirit told us to leave there fast.  Anyway, we had had a lesson fall through and we had a small thought to visit this investigator.  We went to her house and she was there!  She let us in and we started asking her how she was doing.  She had lots of pain and had been in the hospital for the past 15 days.  Her son was also causing her lots of problems and she kicked him out of the house.  Anyway, that was a miracle because we couldn't keep passing by as long as her son was living there because it was dangerous.  Anyway, she wanted a priesthood blessing to help her feel better, so we called the Elders and they were able to come over.  The blessing was absolutely beautiful, and she is so full of faith.  Afterward, we started teaching her the Restoration along with the Elders and it was the smoothest lesson I've ever had.  Every single person listened to and acted on the Spirit and the lesson just flowed.  Right when my companion was about to explain about when Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith, people knocked on the door.  Her sister and her family all walk in and start talking.  At first we were all like "dang.  That just killed the flow of our lesson and it might not be as powerful now."  But one of the Elders did an amazing job of pulling all three of them in.  They were all very receptive and at the end, each one of them accepted the invitation to be baptized.  It was incredible to see! None of it was us.  It is God's work and He was the one who prepared these people and inspired us to know what to say.  He is leading His work. I know that the Lord is preparing people to receive the message of His restored gospel.  I know that each of you plays a critical part in that preparation as you follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost and share your testimony with others.  You never know how much good you do!

Hermana Hyland is doing well!  We get along really well, and we laugh a lot.  The extent of our "rude” comments is when we are in someone's house and we have just eaten a ton and she tells me that she hopes they give me another piece of cake. Hahaha, we love each other a lot and she is so awesome.  She is throwing herself out of her comfort zone and in lessons, if I set her up for it and tell her what she is going to teach, she will take it and run with it.  I'm honestly so impressed by her.  I never wanted to do that when I didn't understand what was going on.  She works hard, she's obedient, has a great attitude, and follows the spirit.  The mission is lucky to have her!

I also feel like I am finally becoming more focused on my missionary purpose and I am loving it.  I have really learned a lot about the importance of inviting people to be baptized and making that the focus.  I finally realized this week that we can do lots of things as member missionaries that we do here as full-time missionaries.  There are lots of really good things that are part of missionary work such as finding, re-activating, sharing scriptures with people, praying for and with people, etc.  But there is one difference between us as member missionaries and full-time missionaries, and that is the authority to invite to baptism.  I can keep staying involved in all the wonderful other parts of missionary work after my mission, but I can't go around inviting my brothers and sisters to be baptized. That is something that I can only do for this year and a half.  That is our PRIMARY purpose. That realization has changed my focus completely and it has helped me become a more effective instrument of the Spirit this week.  By being worthy of and listening to the spirit this week, my companion and I were able to invite 5 people to baptism and every single one accepted.  Of those five we were able to meet with 2 of them again and put them with a baptismal date. That was a pure miracle that we recognize had nothing to do with us and everything to do with Heavenly Father.  We were also able to realize the huge need to work with the members and help them do the other parts of missionary work that they can be doing because WE NEED THEM! WE NEED ALL OF YOU.  Keep trying to find ways to help the work progress!  You can do so much(: Basically I feel like Heavenly Father just helped me see a lot clearer where my focus should be.

Anyway, sorry this email is all over the place, but I'm learning a lot and enjoying the mission!  I love you all!  Have an amazing week!
-Hermana West