Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 25

Hey fam!

I love you all!  This week has been crazyyyyyyy and so good!  We were in a trio for awhile because the companion of our Hermana Lider went home so she had to stay with us until our other companions came!  That was really fun!  Hermana Egbert left....super sad but also its been super fun with Hermana Campos!  She is from Chile and shes supperrrrrr patient with me learn Spanish.  I wish you could see us walking in the street.  Shes like 4 foot 9 inches or something and I'm 5 foot 10 so its pretty funny!  We have a good time.

We have been seeing a lot of miracles in our sector.  We have been finding families recently which is incredible.  The ward has been fasting a lot for the missionary work and we are seeing a lot of fruits from it.  I love being a missionary. 

I have been learning a lot of Spanish as you can imagine hahah.  I still accidentally wake up speaking English, but at least in the day my thoughts are in Spanish.  We are getting there slowly but surely.  Thank you so much for all of your prayers!

I feel like so many things have happened this week, but I cant remember them right now!!  
Yesterday in Sacrament meeting we were sitting listening to testimonies and I had the strongest prompting to get up and share how Jesus Christ loves them and that they can repent and come home at any moment.  I got up and could barely talk because of how strongly I felt the Spirit.  As I was talking, one of our investigators eyes were fixed on me as well as a menos activo member who hasnt been to church for a looong time.  I felt like I was speaking directly to them as Jesus Christ would if he were there.  Words were being put into my mouth and I just felt an overwhelming amount of love for them.  I know that Jesus Christ came to earth for each one of us.  He wants each of us to come home.  At any moment you can change and repent.  You can choose to follow Jesus Christ at any moment.  When we make a mistake, He is waiting for us to run to Him with open arms.  Run to Him!!  Start now and ENJOY the BLESSINGS and PEACE that come from living by His teachings.

The other experience I had this week that I wanted to share happened the first day with Hermana Campos.  We were walking to an appointment but I felt that we should stop by the Clinic first.  There is an investigator that is always there because her son is in a Coma and really sick.  We went to visit her for a minute and right when we got there the hours for visiting started.  She invited us to go in with her and meet her son.  We watched her talk to her son for about 10 minutes and then we had to leave.  Before we left, we said a prayer with them.  I said it, and during the prayer I felt words being put into my mouth to say again.  I prayed for her son and in that moment the Spirit flooded the room.  After the prayer we could barely speak.  I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers.  When we allow the Spirit to guide our prayers, we can really bless the live of others immensely.  As we left I was just so grateful I came on a mission.  I love being a representative of Jesus Christ.  Even though a misison can be pretty hard at times, there is nothing better.

Hahah this letter is all over the place.  My thoughts are super scattered so if none of that made sense, im sorry.  Hahaha but Im doing so much better and im so grateful for your prayers.  I love you all!!  Have an amazing week!

--Hermana West