Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Week 24

Happy Thanksgiving! (LATE)  Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DAD THIS WEEK!!!!!!  I love you so so so much and hope it is incredible!
We have transfers!  Hermana Egbert is leaving and Hermana Campos is coming to el Estrecho!  She is from either Santiago or Viña del Mar (I don't remember), but the important thing to know is she is Chillean!  It's going to be so fun!  Hermana Egbert and I have had a good ride!
For Thanksgiving we used up all our meal time in one chunk and cooked thanksgiving dinner the best we could!  Actually, it ended up really well!  We made applesauce, veggies, gravy (thanks Mom), mashed potatoes, fruit salad, sparkling juice, etc.  The best part is we found turkey slices at this super little Tienda!  Miracle! It was so much fun.  But I loved taking a day to be especially grateful.  We are so so so so so blessed.  When we always have a grateful heart, we can always be happy.
Nothing too wild or crazy has happened this week so I dont have too much to say.  I bought a coloring book and markers to bring to sacrament meeting so that the kids can color and it really helped them stay quiet.  Actually, there was almost complete silence during the Sacrament and there was a very special spirit.  So thank you mom for showing me how to keep kids quiet(:  I miss you guys!  
I've been thinking a lot about Christ and His miracles lately!  Like I said last week,  I've been trying to study from one of them every day and it has really made a huge difference in the Spirit that I feel and the way I teach and interact with others.  I'm sure you guys have already heard about the Church's Christmas initiative.  But basically everyday leading up to Christmas we do one act of service for someone else.  I invite you guys to do it!  I promise that you will feel a more profound and undeniable peace in your day to day life and that this Christmas can be one of the best ones that you have had!!  If you haven't already, watch the video!  

Anyway, I love you all so much!! Missions are the best! Sorry this email is a lot shorter!  Have an incredible week!!

--Hermana West

Last Door Fourth Floor. Rejected.

Thanksgiving meal