Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week 19

Some fun/random things from this week...
-One of our super good friends left on her mission.  She’s going to be great but we were pretty sad!  We are so excited for her though!
-Hermana Egbert was pretty sick one day this week so we had to go back to the house but we were able to watch the videos of the Restoration.  I testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet called by God!
-We came home, and our neighbor was having a party with his friends and they were a little drunk.  We went inside, and a few minutes later, he knocked on our door.  We didn’t answer but he kept knocking and usually it is for something about the water bill. But we opened it, and he had a huge plate of ribs that they had cooked!  He said, "Hola Vecinas (neighbors) tengo este for youuuu". Hahahah. It was really funny, and we got to eat some super good meat!  Pretty random though!
This week we have seen a lot of miracles in the work!  We were able to meet with all three of our investigators that have a baptismal date, and they are changing.  Each time we see them they look different--more humble.  And it is really cool to see.  One cool experience that we had this week was in a lesson with a woman who has been an investigator for 2 years.  She never really was interested. But she would let the missionaries in because she is very kind and treats us like her grandchildren.  We had a really powerful lesson with her.  Both Hermana Egbert and I were full of the Spirit and we taught her with power and authority!  The words we spoke were definitely not our own. While we were teaching, it was soooo fluid, and she was staring very attentively at us.  You know it was a lesson taught by the Spirit when you can’t really remember what you were saying.  I remember opening up to a picture of the temple and talking about the blessings that come from it. But, most everything else is kind of a blur.  We both really felt that our words were coming directly from heaven.  That’s how it should be every time and that’s something we are continually working towards.  Afterward she told us that missionaries have been coming for 2 years, and it’s been fine. But since Hermana Egbert and I have been teaching her, she has felt a huge difference.  She said she feels like we teach in a different way, with love.  But we know it isn’t us.  We are only the instruments.  It’s all Jesus Christ.  He cleanses us so we can be worthy of the Spirit.  We learn the Doctrine of Christ to teach to the people through the Spirit.  Because of Jesus Christ, we were able to come out on missions to teach these people.  Because of Jesus Christ, they can feel the power of what we teach.  It’s never us.  It all points back to Jesus Christ.  We couldn’t even be instruments in His hands if He hadn’t paid for our sins.  I love the Savior so much.  He’s my best friend!  What a blessing it is to be His missionary!!
Another sweet experience we had was with another investigator.  We had a family night with him and the family of our ward mission leader.  After the family night, our mission leader called us to tell us that after we left he was talking to him. The man told him that before we knocked on his door, three weeks earlier he had lost his job and gotten sick.  He has no family living anymore and his friends hadn’t been talking to him, so he had been sitting in his house alone, unable to leave and listening to music all day every day for three weeks.  He said he felt very alone. But then a miracle happened, and we knocked on his door!!  He said it changed everything.  That was very humbling to hear.  When we are listening to the Spirit, we are able to be angels in the lives of others.  I would’ve come on a mission just to have that one experience--just to be able to touch one person’s life.  He is progressing a ton and working hard to prepare for his baptism!
Also, this is probably my favorite experience of my mission so far:  All of our appointments had fallen through and we had no more back up plans. So we said a prayer that we would be guided to somebody who needed us.  After the prayer, we felt to knock a certain street.  We did, and we were able to pray with one lady because she didn’t have enough time to have a lesson.  As we left her house, we saw two little boys riding their bikes and playing with nerf guns! We started walking to the next house and one of the boys (8 years old) rode up to us on his bike and started talking to us!  He asked why we were here and I told him, "We are here to tell people about Jesus Christ!"  I gave him a pass-along card of Jesus Christ and he shared how he loves Jesus Christ!  We asked him why he loves God and then I told him, "We are also here to tell you that God is our Heavenly Father.  You are His son!"  As I told him, he was a child of God, I got chills all over my body and really felt the truth of what I had just said.  When he heard that his eyes lit up and very excitedly he said, "REALLY???"  He couldn’t stop smiling.  He wanted to keep talking to us, and we ended up teaching him that just like a boy named Joseph Smith was able to pray and receive an answer from God, so could he.  We taught him how to pray and he asked us to come back and teach his family!  We were able to visit them a few days later and hopefully we can continue to meet with them.  They are a super special family!
One last experience was yesterday. We take 3 minute breaks throughout the day so that we can keep up our energy.  We stopped at a park and there was a girl with her daughter there.  At the end, we started talking to her and asked if we could meet with her sometime!  She said ya for sure!  Then she got up and started walking!  We were like...Oh!  I guess she means right now!!!  We ended up teaching her and her little sister and the Spirit was really strong!  She asked us to come back and teach her more!  It was really cool!
So basically, we have seen a lot of miracles this week as we have really focused on listening to the Spirit.  Also, I feel like I should share this real quick (sorry this email is super long).  I’ve been studying virtue and holiness for the past month and it’s been incredible!  Virtuous thoughts are something I have been really focusing on!  Virtuous thoughts don’t mean only clean thoughts, they mean good thoughts too!  When we think good and uplifting thoughts, we are filled with pure love and joy.  Virtuous thoughts don’t include thinking things like, "man they didn’t wash the dishes again" or "that really bugs me" or "how many times have we talked about this and they keep doing it" or even "I’m not good at that".  No, those aren’t virtuous.  Virtuous thoughts come from seeing the good.  Looking for the good.  Choosing to see the good qualities in someone rather than be annoyed.  Looking for the good in ourselves. Taking time to appreciate the little but beautiful things about life! It also includes choosing faith rather than doubt or fear.  That’s virtue!  I invite you guys to practice having virtuous thoughts about family members and friends and yourselves more this week with me!  Then enjoy the blessings of joy and profound peace that come from it!!  I love you guys so much!!  Have an amazing week!!

--Hermana West

Hermana Egbert and I are always making up random holidays, and Friday she made a "happy Hermana West is my friend day" with some random things we found on the beach (some weird painting hahah)