Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 44

Woohoo!  It’s been a great week and I hit the 10-month mark.  So weird.
But some random things from the week...
1-We finally bought gas so we haven't been dying from the cold as much
2-We performed 2 musical numbers for our district conference
3-We made cinnamon rolls in a mug (Thank you Hermana Hyland´s family)
4-We have been trying to learn Kreyòl in our free time (the language they speak in Haiti)
5-We played with a cute stray puppy in the street (Every time it sees us it gets so excited and runs up to us and jumps all over us.  We love it)
 Anyway as always, it was another super great week!  We found some INCREDIBLE people!!!!  One of them is a woman from the Dominican Republic and she lives alone here.  She is married and has a family but she had to come here to work and save up money so the rest of her family can come.  We went to a lesson with one of our investigators who had a baptismal date but she wasn't there.  We felt prompted to leave sticky notes on her door with nice notes.  That was key because instead of leaving right away we stayed at her door for a little bit.  When we were leaving we noticed that someone had recently gotten home so we knocked on her neighbor’s door. The woman from the DR opened up!!  She let us in and wanted to know a lot.  She had seen missionaries in the Dominican Republic but never heard anything about what we believe.  Most people say "I believe all religions are good and lead us to God and salvation".  She told us that her mom believes that, but she said "But I think there is only one way that leads us to salvation and I need to find it.".  We were blown away hahah.  We explained that we are here to do just that.  It was a big miracle.  She accepted baptism but not a date yet.
We also went to one of our investigators houses this week who is Haitian.  She ended up inviting us in but didn't really want to share.  There were about 4 others watching a big soccer game and when we walked in they all turned off the TV and gave us their full attention.  They told us that "God is more important than anything in our lives, even soccer.  We always have time to hear what you have to share".  They are so full of faith.  They are so humble and love God.  It has been such a privilege getting to work with the Haitians here.  I love them so much!!  It’s hard because of the language barrier, and Hermana Hyland and I can't study Kreyòl yet because she’s still in her training (a mission rule until they are out of their training), but we find ways to teach!  They are so excited to hear from us again.

So all in all we are seeing lots of miracles!!! Thanks for your prayers!!!  I love you all!!  Keep learning about Christ and becoming His true disciples!!  Love you!

Hermana West