Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Week 11

I officially have one month here in Punta Arenas!! Woohoo!!!  This week has been great! I ate Alphacha meat (it was a little strong but still pretty good and weird), we almost got bit by a MASSIVE German Shepherd that escaped his fence, we bought chocolate and ate it by the ocean, and a lot more.
(German Shepherd story)
 So we were walking back to the house after being with a member and it was dark.  The dog started barking like crazy through the fence but we weren't bothered because it was behind a fence and every dog does it.  But it was going nuts and while we were walking I looked over and the gate was open and it charged us full speed.  I screamed cause it was coming at my companion, she turned around and saw it, screamed, the dog was shocked at first but then kept trying to get us, and I was praying out loud haha and trying to just keep walking and my companion was throwing bread at the dog and saying, "sale! sale!" (Go away! in Spanish),and eventually we just walked slow and it kinda stayed back.  Hahah it was a miracle I just laughed so hard afterward because of the adrenaline rush I got!
 I know I say this almost every week...but...I LOVE IT HERE!!  I'm so blessed to be a missionary!!  There is a little girl here named Amelia that reminds me SO much of Rebecca!!  She's the daughter of our ward mission leader and every time we see her she says "Hermanas!!" and runs up to give us hugs!  She is so sweet!!  It's been such a tender mercy to see her so much.  This week at church she came and sat by me.  She seriously acts just like Rebecca and I felt like I was home. Such a blessing. I've missed being able to help kids stay quiet during church haha it's weird but true.  Sorry I didn't write yesterday!  We had zone conference and they switched our p-day to today!  I was really worried all day because I didn't want you guys to be disappointed or worried, and there was nothing I could do about it!  But, the Lord takes care of us.  We ate dinner as a zone with Elder and Sister Bragg after zone conference (they came to speak.  Also, our zone has like 20 people so it's pretty small.).  Afterward, my companion and I had to leave a little early and got up to go.  Elder and Sister Bragg wanted to talk with us real fast before we left! Elder Bragg pulled us aside and asked if he could send a picture of us to our families that night.  That was a HUGE tender mercy for me because I wanted to say something to you guys but couldn't!!  The Lord really does know each of us and the things we need!  He then turned to my companion and said things to her that she really needed to hear.  Things that we haven't mentioned to him or anyone in our zone!  Once again, the Lord know us and knows exactly what we need.  He works through His angels (or people who love and follow Him) to bless our lives.  I know the Lord knows each of you personally and is very aware of your situation.  He will and is blessing you, even if we sometimes don't notice it.  Last week Jacob asked me in his email how I've been growing spiritually.  I thought about it for a second and couldn't think of an answer.  After we left the ciber, it started to bother me and kind of bothered me for the next few days. I'm honestly doing well here and haven't been struggling too much so sometimes I feel like I'm not growing.  Anyway it really bothered me for awhile and then I had a breakdown.  I went into the bathroom, sobbed, and said a super long prayer.  At the end of the prayer, I just listened.  Heavenly Father then let me see that I have been growing!  I've learned how to completely rely on Him when nothing else is familiar!  I have learned to communicate with others very openly and be humble.  I have learned that  God is in the details of our lives and is the PERFECT orchestrator.  I have grown closer to the Spirit.  I have had to show my faith time and time again, which then strengthens my faith.  I have learned so much and grown so much and it has been such a blessing!!  I'm grateful for prayer and that we can communicate with God.  I'm grateful for the Holy Ghost and that through Him, God can communicate with us!  I've also really been trying to learn how to apply Jesus Christ's atonement in my life everyday not only in bad times, but good.  Sometimes I don't feel as close to my Savior when I'm doing well.  I came across a talk from last conference that really helped me!!  Basically if we study the Savior everyday and try to strengthen our relationship with Him every day, we are going to be closer to Him and be changed. And we are changed through His Grace, which comes through His atonement, and that's how we can apply His atonement in the good times.  Then we don't have to wait to be humbled, but we can humble ourselves before we have to be put through a trial.  And when the trials do come, we will be that much more prepared.  I'm SO grateful for Jesus Christ!!  I love Him!!!!!  Please try to study Him and come closer to Him every day!!  There is no other way to be truly happy, have real peace, or really change!!  I love you all so much!!  Have an incredible week!!  Read Alma 36: 17-21.  It not only applies to sin, but also to our trials!!  Sorry I don't have more time once again!!  But once again, I love you!!

--Hermana West

I have a little extra time, so here's some more details I left out.
Elder Bragg is a 70!  He spoke in conference a bit ago!  But he shared that here in Punta Arenas if we do a few things (it's too long to write but they are simple) that in this time, in this area, with these missionaries right now, we will each see 1 baptism a month at least and that the work is about to start BOOMING here.  He promised we'd start seeing the blessings that night.  We left early because we had studies to finish, but also we just kinda felt like we should so we did.  On the way back to our house, a lady came up to us and talked to us (miracle) she said she's a member but hasn't been to church in forever and asked us to stay in contact with her!  She's in another sector so we have to give her name to the elders but it's all the same work!  Then a few minutes later we contacted a man and his wife!  The spirit was so strong in the contact and it started out with them not being interested, but ended with them saying they'd read and pray about the Book of Mormon and that we could meet with them!  (also not in our sector but it's the same work).  Anyway, 2 huge miracles!  When  God promised us through Elder Bragg that we would start seeing the blessings that night he wasn't lying!  Haha!
Elder Bragg also shared how he sits in on the apostles assigning calls and they take it very seriously.  Sometimes it takes 20 minutes, sometimes it takes 2 seconds, but it's pure revelation.  He said sometimes they have done a few calls and they will say, "Hey remember that call we assigned a bit ago?  Its wrong.  We need to change it".  And sometimes, it's pretty rare, but sometimes  they can't sleep and then Heavenly Father will tell them they assigned a specific call wrong and that they need to go back and reassign it. So they do.  So basically,  I know my call comes from God.  Exactly!
Also its super cool being able to serve in the same mission as your brother!!  I find random ties to Jacob all the time!  Yesterday, an elder was wearing a tie that Jacob had given one of his comps and that comp gave it to this elder!  It's so fun!!  I don't know every reason why I'm called here, but at the end of everyday I find a different one.  I feel like there are so many things that perfectly line up and it's so cool to see!!  God really has everything figured out even down to the VERY smallest detail!!  He is guiding your life perfectly!!  So keep living worthily!!
Older kids!  I really miss you all too!!  I'm so grateful for the people you are!  Keep being examples to your friends and don't be afraid to open your mouth!!  You never know how much good you do or the lives you bless by saying even the smallest thing or smiling at someone!!  I just found out like a year ago that the student body president of our school,  was really touched by me in 7th grade.  She was struggling and felt like she didn't have friends.  Apparently me and Andie smiled at her, went and sat by her at lunch and talked to her.  I don't remember it at all but even all those years later she thanked me for it and said it really helped her.  So any random but good though you have, do it!!  It's from the spirit and we never know the effects that it will have!!  I love you guys!!  Jacob, I think you are in your own category now, but keep being who you are!!  Hahaha you are such a good example to us and I've really noticed this week how the older siblings really have a HUGE influence on how the other children will act and if they will follow God.  So thanks for fulfilling your calling well!!  Keep up the good work!!  Mom and Dad!!  I love you!!  Keep teaching in love and unity!!  You are amazing parents lead by the Spirit!!  You're doing it right!!  I love you!!  Keep loving us!!  You never know how much you have, and continue to bless us, or the effect you have on us!!  We love you!!  I love you!!  Ok I love you all!!  have an amazing week!!  Also thanks for your prayers I feel them!!
Little kids, I miss you!!!  We had a primary activity this week and I felt at home!!  You guys are awesome!!  The Savior really does love you so much!!  I really feel that out here!  We made hot dogs at the activity!!  I remember when Jacob got his call I was laughing because he'd have to eat a lot of hot dogs and mayo...but here I am hahahah. Funny how the tables have turned!
 I keep forgetting to write about my investigators. One is going to be baptized in like 2 or 3 weeks and we have some pretty golden investigators that we are hoping will accept baptism pretty soon!  Another is so golden.  We have a lesson with her tonight! She's from Mexico and a social worker and going to be a very strong and good member!  I feel a connection with her!  I'm so blessed to play a part in her conversion!  but I know with all my heart it's never me.  It's only the Lord's work, and I'm the instrument.
Look at this sweet picture my companion took like 2 p-days ago!!  Basically I'm Katniss!   hahaha.