Friday, July 27, 2018

Week 58

Hello helloooo!!
How is everyone?  This week was super good and so stressful!!  hahahah so much has happend.  We had intercambios with the hermanas from Aysen and then the next day they came to Coyhaique to switch back companions but one of the hermanas got really sick suddenly.  So I ended up going with her to the doctor and lots of stuff happend.  But she's ok for now and we ended up being with them for 3 days!  That was nuts!!!! 
We were able to meet with another investigator a lot too!!  He should be getting baptized on Saturday, but he told us on Friday that he doesn't know if he feels ready.  Please pray for him that he will be able to feel ready!!!!  But I know he will follow the Spirit.  He always does!!
Now for the moment youve all been waiting for...JOHN GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And it was suchhhhh a beautiful experience.  He couldn't stop smiling and he was so happy.  After he got the Holy Ghost he told me that he feels free inside and that he feels like he is in a whole other world.  That was super special.  We gave him a Book of Mormon in Creole to give to his friends.  He is so excited to do that.
I don't remember how much I have told you about him so I'll just start from the beginning.
One day I was walking with Hermana Query and we were going to lunch.  We saw John on the corner talking to someone.  They were looking at us so we decided to cross the street to talk to them.  The other person ended up walking away but John was interested.  We asked him for his name and he said "John Miracle".  We asked him to repeat his last name and he said "Miracle".  haha as we walked away we just kept talking about how he really was going to be a miracle.  We set up a cita with him but when we went we couldnt find his house!!  Bummer.  Later, Hermana Weber's first week here, we were walking early to consejo one morning.  There was a guy walking in front of us and I had the thought to contact him.  We did and lo and behold it was JOHN MIRACLE!!  We invited him to church and he came!!!  From that Sunday until now we have taught him almost everyday and I have never seen someone progress so much.  He was so prepared.  He told us that he had been searching for a church for awhile but didn't know where to go.  The day we couldn't find his house he was waiting for us but we never showed up.  He said he thought to himself, "If I need to meet with them it will work out some other time".  He was so golden.  Everytime we taught him he would smile so big and thank us for teaching him what he didn't know before.  He says that now he has a purpose to his life and he is so much happier.  He wants to share that with everyone!!  His original baptismal date was for August 4th but he told us he couldn't wait till then.  We called President Isom to see if we could have permision to let him be baptized earlier (because you need 3 assistencias en la iglesia before you can get baptized and he didn't) and President told us he felt like it would be fine if we felt like it!  So he got baptized!!  He always thanks us for being there to find and teach him. He is so special!!!!
I never thought that would ever happen in my mission.  Find someone and they get baptized 2 weeks later.  But miracles happen!  I keep thinking though about what wouldve happend if I didn't follow the small prompting to talk to him that first day we found him.  Or what wouldve happend if I didn't follow the prompting the second time?  In the moment they are just small thoughts in your head, but afterward you realized they are the Spirit.  I invite you guys to act on the small, quiet thoughts that invite you to do good in your life and in the lives of those around you.  I promise that if you do you will see miracles and be an instrument in Gods hands!!  Love you guys so much!!  Keep serving each other and loving each other!!  Have a great week!!
--Hermana West